Iriarte Translation in Poetry Northwest
A new translation by Lawrence Schimel of Argentinian poet, Fabián Iriarte, appears this month in Poetry Northwest.
“While Fabián and I have not yet met in person, I’ve been reading his work for many decades, and was drawn to the poems in this book, which are both erudite and sexy, sophisticated but playful, unquestionably queer in both content and how they tackle and subvert language.”
Read, “Nicole Wanders by the Riverbank” on Poetry Northwest. We’ll be publishing “The Confessions,” the first full-length English translation of Iriarte soon.
“While Fabián and I have not yet met in person, I’ve been reading his work for many decades, and was drawn to the poems in this book, which are both erudite and sexy, sophisticated but playful, unquestionably queer in both content and how they tackle and subvert language.”
Read, “Nicole Wanders by the Riverbank” on Poetry Northwest. We’ll be publishing “The Confessions,” the first full-length English translation of Iriarte soon.