Our Audio and Digital Downloads
We are still struggling to rebuild our website as we transition from Wordpress to Shopify. What a mess!
We are seeking to provide an easier way to download the audio content for our books.
If you have bought one of our books and need to access the audio, please email knox@entreriosbooks.com and we will get the files to you.
We also maintain a large library of our recordings for free at Soundcloud.

The Unquiet Country
Two songs and piano music commissioned from Emerson Eads and Patrick Milian reading the book in its entirety.
Winter Season
Carolina Esses and Allison A. deFreese read Winter Season. in both the Spanish and the English translation. Recorded in Seattle when Carolina visited us from Buenos Aires.

E. Briskin reads two lengthy selections from Orange. We present them in both reading directions— meaning this download has over three hundred tracks!