Our First Press Mention: Awww, a School Paper!
Fantastic! We were so delighted to have our first lengthy press mention in a school newspaper. Sure, the New York Times would be nice, but what is best is that this where so many young people learn writing skills and these are our future journalists, novelist, and story-tellers. We thank SAAS student, Bianca, for asking some good questions of Melinda Mueller and the process behind, The After.
“Mueller said she began thinking about the idea for this book back in 1985 while on a class retreat with her students on the Oregon Coast. She describes the moment of inspiration in detail, “One evening we were sitting out just after sunset on the beach, full moon behind us rising, stars like crazy above us. But way out at sea in front of us there was a huge thunderstorm… one of my students says to me, ‘Are there any other species that look at something like this and think about how beautiful it is?’” Mueller says she believes that may be one of the traits that make humans unique. She says it inspired her when her student suggested that perhaps humans are a “test for everything.”